Senior Class of 2024...Are you ready?
Applications are now OPEN!!
JCP Senior Spokesmodel Application
*Please read the spokesmodel responsibilities list thoroughly before applying*
Being a spokesmodel for JColona Photography means you have the opportunity to represent the face of JColona Seniors! Spokesmodels receive countless perks including a complimentary mini session before your senior session with digital images to share online with friends, participation in a fully styled shoot, senior session, print bonuses, group activities, and more! I am so excited to start another year of my senior spokesmodel program and I cannot wait to work with an amazing group of 2024 seniors! Before applying, please read the following carefully.
Chosen Spokesmodels are REQUIRED to:
o Attend mandatory meet & greet w/Ice Breaker Team Mini Session & orientation event: tentatively scheduled for May 27, 2023 @5:00pm
o Participate in mandatory Introduction Styled Team Mini Session: tentatively scheduled for October 21, 2023 @3:00pm
o Participate in mandatory End of Senior Year Team Mini Session: tentatively scheduled for April 27, 2024 @5:00pm
o Use JColona Photography as sole photographer during their senior year
o Complete your regular 2 hour senior session {or at least 1 hour/half session} before December 2022
o Post on social media at least 2-3 times a month about JColona photography {you can post more if you love me 😊 --> more posts=more referrals=more discounts} Share your images or just share the love!
o Refer at least 2 {or more} seniors my way! They get 10% off of their session when they book!
o Book your senior session with Jennifer Colona for a total of $400, with at least half due at meet & greet/orientation {this is the only payment associated with the spokesmodel program which is over a $600 savings!}
o Notify your parents of this application!!! Your parent will be contacted first if you are chosen as a spokesmodel, so please make sure they are aware that you are applying! Parental involvement is a must!
o Senior & parent must represent JColona Photography in a positive way on all media at all times. This includes bullying. insults, & being mean to peers & inappropriate behavior. Any negative behavior of any kind will result in being eliminated from the team with no refund.
Chosen Spokesmodels receive these PERKS:
o FREE JColona Photography Spokesmodel T-Shirt
o Mandatory FREE Ice Breaker Team Mini Session at Meet & Greet - May 27, 2023 @5:00pm
o Styling Meeting - September 16, 2023 - If we cannot all meet at the same time, a certain color/style/theme will be given to you to gather clothing options for styled shoot. Clothing choice must be shown to me for approval {text, email, in person, etc}.
o Mandatory FREE Introduction Styled Team 1-2 hour Session {depending on how much fun we have}- October 21, 2022 @3:00pm
o Mandatory FREE End of Senior Year Team Mini Session {this is usually a fun, creative session} - April 29, 2023 @5:00pm
o Spokesmodels receive ALL digital images from their session included in their unlocked online gallery
o Every booked referral gives you 10% off of prints and products! {up to 50% off=5 referrals}
o Have at least one referral book and pay a retainer for their session and receive a FREE graduation announcement and thank you card design!
o Have at least two referrals book and pay a retainer for their session and receive a FREE graduation announcement and thank you card design along with 48 wallets of your choice.
o Every booked referral gets 10% off of their session when they book with me! You get perks and they get perks! It's a win, win.
If you are interested in joining the team, please fill out the form below!
The application deadline is Thursday, April 27, 2023 @7:00pm.
{Applying does not mean you made the team. All applications are looked over and chosen closely & carefully based on answers to application questions & personality}
Spokesmodels will be chosen & announced on Saturday, April 29, 2023.
Parents are encouraged to complete application with the senior. However, please make sure that the senior is answering the questions on their own.
By clicking submit, I understand that if I am chosen as a JColona Photography Senior Spokesmodel, I will be required to use Jennifer Colona as my sole senior photographer & will contractually agree to not use any other photographers for the duration of the spokesmodel program. I also understand that this application will be intensely reviewed by Jennifer Colona & is not a guaranteed acceptance into the program. In addition, I understand that, if chosen as a spokesmodel, I am required to pay the full cost of a senior session {$400} & will have the opportunity to earn a percentage off of prints through referrals along with other perks and free items.